Tuesday, March 15, 2011

a bit more info ...

I thought I should probably give you a bit more information about myself and the adventure I am on with my husband, Marty.

My husband is currently working in Kazakhstan and I decided to join him. It was never going to be a country on my list of places to see - but having this opportunity is very exciting.

There are language difficulties (Russian is a common language spoken), dietry issues (I am a life-long vegetarian and these are a meat-loving people) and extreme weather conditions (I've come from a very hot Australian summer and have just seen real snow for the first time ever!).

... just to interrupt - our cleaner just arrived and I tried out some Russian. I think she understood ya zhinh-na (I'm wife) and ya ne punimayo paruski (I don't understand Russian). Very exciting! ...

So - we are in a foreign country and are excited about this amazing once in a lifetime adventure.

I am looking forward to deepening my ashtanga practice, learning a new language, cooking up a storm (I feel a bit like a vegetarian Bear Grills - creatively making use of any ingredient I can get my hands on to ensure gourmet survival) and staying creative in my position as Art Director - remote.

I will keep you posted on our adventures.

Lila xx

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